[BVARC] Greater Houston Tailgate After Action Mtg this Thursday, 4/21

Jeff Greer greerjw at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 21 16:08:14 CDT 2022


Just a reminder about this meeting tonight.  Thanks!

Jeff Greer, W5JEF
BVARC Corresponding Secretary
From: Jeff Greer <greerjw at hotmail.com>
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2022 8:18 AM
Cc: tdxs-list at tdxs.net <tdxs-list at tdxs.net>; kars at katyars.com <kars at katyars.com>
Subject: Greater Houston Tailgate After Action Mtg this Thursday, 4/21


We'd like to have a quick meeting Thursday evening to discuss the Greater Houston Tailgate, which took place Saturday, 4/16.  If you volunteered at the event, or if you attended and have feedback you'd like to share, please plan to attend (or email your thoughts to Mike N5VCX prior to the meeting).  Initial feedback we have received indicates that some would like to see this be an annual event, even when the Greater Houston Hamfest is back as a face to face event.  Given that possibility, we would like to discuss how this tailgate went, what people liked/didn't like, what we could have done better, etc...

Thanks and 73!

Jeff Greer, W5JEF
BVARC Corresponding Secretary
Topic: Greater Houston Tailgate After Action Mtg
Time: Apr 21, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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