[BVARC] Fw: [Ham-Radio-Tech-Notes] Status Report on 145.190 Repeater and request for financial support..from W5BSA... And Update on Greenway Plaza Repeater Sites 146.700 and 442.500.... to follow separate email
wa5cyi at aol.com
wa5cyi at aol.com
Fri Apr 15 19:35:39 CDT 2022
Hi Joe, long time no hear. How high will the new antenna be? Will it reach a mobile in Sugar Land?What is the dependable range and where will it be located, street address and town will be all I need tofind in on Google maps.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Greer via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org>
Cc: Jeff Greer <greerjw at hotmail.com>
Sent: Fri, Apr 15, 2022 2:23 pm
Subject: [BVARC] Fw: [Ham-Radio-Tech-Notes] Status Report on 145.190 Repeater and request for financial support..from W5BSA... And Update on Greenway Plaza Repeater Sites 146.700 and 442.500.... to follow separate email
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From: main at Ham-Radio-Tech-Notes.groups.io <main at Ham-Radio-Tech-Notes.groups.io> on behalf of Joe W5BSA <teachseventh at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2022 12:02 PM
To: 190bunch at googlegroups.com <190bunch at googlegroups.com>
Subject: [Ham-Radio-Tech-Notes] Status Report on 145.190 Repeater and request for financial support..from W5BSA... And Update on Greenway Plaza Repeater Sites 146.700 and 442.500.... to follow separate email Hi Gang,
Good news! The W5BSA 145.190 repeater is alive and well with one exception. The 15 year old antenna has experienced wind damage causing it to act like a dummy load and requires replacing.
Additional good news is we have acquired a new and great relationship with the building management that wants to help us put the repeater on the air better than ever.
Due to the site location and this wonderful opportunity we must use top notch commercial grade equipment. This includes the antenna. In other words; we can't use Ham quality fiberglass Diamond type antennas. Antennas need to be metal, DC grounded that can survive lightning storms and 100 mph winds. These also help to protect the radio gear, controllers etc ... If we had to replace the repeater radio, duplexers, controller and miscellaneous parts it would be over $6,000.
The new antenna we want to order cost about $1200 with shipping. This antenna will give as good and possibly better coverage than we have ever experienced.
There is an immediate need for the funds to order the antenna as soon as possible. The building management where .19 is located is in the process of replacing their organizational antennas and will replace ours free of charge while they have the engineering company at site doing theirs which requires safety scaffolding etc. We only have to provide the antenna and they will get it installed for free. If we miss this window of opportunity then we would be looking at an additional $1000 or more for the installation fee.
Please feel free to share this E-mail with groups or folks that may have an interest in supporting 145.190.
I have kept 145.190 on the air for well over 25 years mainly due to being in the right place at the right time and with help from many great friends that have a common belief in open repeater systems. I don't and never have liked asking for money and consequently am not very good at it.
If you would like to assist with financial support you can send to my PayPal @W5BSA I also use CASH APP my handle is $W5BSAIf you prefer to mail support my address is 9643 Springview Ln, Houston, TX 77080.
You are also welcome to call. My cell is 713-805-9554.
Thank you and God Bless
Joe Ross/W5BSA
73 dit dit
Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
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