[BVARC] Ham gear for sale at BVARC Saturday Tail Gate

wa5cyi at aol.com wa5cyi at aol.com
Thu Apr 14 10:13:56 CDT 2022

I will have the following items for sale at the Saturday BVARC tail gate sale.  Look for the bright redpickup truck with license plate KD5CDM.  
Econo-Line, Model 702 FM amp, 136-175 MHZ, 10 watts in, 70 watts out, only $150.
Econo-Line, Model 702B FM amp, 136-175 MHZ, 2 watts in, 70 watts out, only $175.
Henry Electronics RF amp Model 130A02, 1-5 watts in, 130 watts out, only $350.

Ameritron ALS-500 solid state amp 1.5-21.6 MHZ, SSB & CW, only $695.
Ameritron ALS-500RC remote control for the ALS-500 amp, only $55.This item should be bought with the above amp for ease of use.
LDG AT-1000 Auto antenna tuner, only $375.
Look for the red truck or call Pump, WA5CYI, at 713-320-9193, he should be on site at 9:00 AM

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