[BVARC] MFJ-250 "Cantenna" KW Dummy Load, Free if picked up.

Gary Sitton gasitton at comcast.net
Sun Apr 3 16:36:56 CDT 2022


    I have another KW Dummy Load now and no longer

need this one.  This basically a 200 watt, 50 Ohm. non-

reactive resistor in a  sealed and vented 1 gal. can filled

with mineral oil.  It has an SWR < 1.3:1 to 200MHz and

can take full power for short periods (< 30 Sec.) for tuning

or testing purposes.  This item is about $100 new and is

a must for any QRO station.  Has a SO-239 connector on

the top.

*Free *to good home, but must pickup in Heights area

Houston, TX 77008.

Gary Sitton, K5AMH
gasitton at comcast.net
(713) 305-6765
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