[BVARC] Big S.W. Houston "Take Away" of Ham Radio Stuff for BVARC Members

Rick Hiller rickhiller73 at gmail.com
Sun May 30 12:53:06 CDT 2021

Lots of Ham Radio stuff for free.  Generating a few more cubic feet of
space in my garage.
Saturday morning, June 5th  9 till noon.
*9031 Troulon Drive  **Houston, TX 77036*
    First street south of Beechnut St. at Jorine Drive -- 1 mile east of
Beltway 8 and 1 mile west of 59.

Wire, capacitors, coils, antenna parts and antennas, masts, cables -- coax,
computer and misc, connectors -- coax and audio, some books, magazines,
catalogs, speakers, one Samsung 37" flat screen 1080p TV,  miscellaneous
parts, tools, meters, etc.

All free, unless you wish to donate to the *"Krompus Contest Group Dayton
2022 Travel Fund"*.

Notes: -- All items are guaranteed to be used, old or NOS and untested.
"As is".  No returns.....none!!!.
            -- Both my dogs are large and friendly, but they do bark at
visitors and are NOT part of the take away..
           -- A $10 exit fee will be charged if you do not take away at
least one item. HI
            -- What doesn't go, gets trashed in Heavy Trash the next Monday.

Saturday, June 5th, 9 to Noon  (no early birds, please)

Stay tuned to the reflector for updates and rain delay info.

W5RH -- Rick
*9031 Troulon Drive  **Houston, TX 77036    *

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