[BVARC] Ham Radio Night with the Sugar Land Skeeters

Scott Medbury kd5fba at gmail.com
Fri May 28 21:29:48 CDT 2021

Thanks Mike. I will take everyone's responses into consideration. So far,
yours is the first.


On Fri, May 28, 2021, 9:17 PM Mike Hardwick via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org>

> 1. Weekend - Sunday game is good for me
> 2. Food included
> 3. Not that close
> 4. Third base line
> 5. Handicap seating not needed
> 6. Parking included
> MIke
> On Friday, May 28, 2021, 08:36:38 PM CDT, Scott Medbury via BVARC <
> bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
> Well sports fans, once again I am going to try to put together our annual
> "Ham Radio Night at the Sugar Land Skeeters".
> Now that baseball is back, the Skeeters are the AAA affiliate of the
> Astros. The level of play is better and the players are better and younger.
> Excitement is there!
> Now as I work on this event I need your input. Please answer these
> questions.
> 1. Do you prefer a weekday or weekend game?Weekday games are a little less
> costly and less crowded .
> 2 Would you want a hotdog, chips and soda included? Or not?
> 3. How close to home plate? Influences price.
> 4. First or third base line?
> 5. Handicap seating?
> 6. Would you want parking included or not? Advance paid parking is $5 and
> upon arrival is $10.
> There are NO Wednesday games.
> Please respond off the reflector to:
> kd5fba at gmail.com . If you want, you may leave a message on my special
> number 832-779-1426. (832) 779-1HAM.
> Hope to hear from you soon.
> 73 de Scott KD5FBA
> kd5fba at gmail.com
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