[BVARC] Ham Radio Night with the Sugar Land Skeeters

Scott Medbury kd5fba at gmail.com
Fri May 28 20:36:07 CDT 2021

Well sports fans, once again I am going to try to put together our annual
"Ham Radio Night at the Sugar Land Skeeters".

Now that baseball is back, the Skeeters are the AAA affiliate of the
Astros. The level of play is better and the players are better and younger.
Excitement is there!

Now as I work on this event I need your input. Please answer these

1. Do you prefer a weekday or weekend game?Weekday games are a little less
costly and less crowded .

2 Would you want a hotdog, chips and soda included? Or not?

3. How close to home plate? Influences price.

4. First or third base line?

5. Handicap seating?

6. Would you want parking included or not? Advance paid parking is $5 and
upon arrival is $10.

There are NO Wednesday games.

Please respond off the reflector to:
kd5fba at gmail.com . If you want, you may leave a message on my special
number 832-779-1426. (832) 779-1HAM.

Hope to hear from you soon.

73 de Scott KD5FBA
kd5fba at gmail.com
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