[BVARC] Fw: Mounting Antenna

AARON BENNETT aaronb1275 at msn.com
Tue May 25 17:51:22 CDT 2021

Hello, a friend of mine asked if I knew of a place to attach an antenna for a project he is doing. I told him that I would pass his email along and see if anyone in the club knew of a place. Any help is appreciated. The reason he wants it is for weather purposes. He was a weatherman in a previous profession. He mentioned that having multiple locations is preferred.

Aaron Bennett KI5IOB

From: John Frederick <houstonweatherman at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021 1:03 PM
To: Aaronb1275 at msn.com <Aaronb1275 at msn.com>
Subject: Mounting Antenna


As per our conversation, I'm looking for (ideally) a 10 to 20 foot building that has a way for me to mount my 6 inch low power antenna and repeater. The repeater needs to mount to a suitable structure (be it an existing tower or a pole).  The repeater measures only 6" x 8" x 10". The repeater operates at 915 mhz and will need wifi and connect to a power outlet unless using PoE. The repeater uses about $9 worth of electricity each year.

Ideally, I'd like to be able to mount to a roof pole or tower near its base at about 5 feet from the base so I can walk up to it and service it if needed. Hence the reason for the tall building versus a tall tower which I do not want to climb. Leasing a space on a roof tower would be ideal. I'd like to keep the repeater at around 5 feet and then extend a pole with cable another five feet with the antenna about 5 feet above the repeater.

The repeater(s) are to forward weather data and the like.

It's preferred the building(s) be located close to downtown Houston but not so close the other buildings interfere with the signal. Places like around the Galleria would be better.  The following software will help you see what buildings are ideal around Houston. https://osmbuildings.org/

I hope this helps explain my needs.

Please ask your colleagues if they know of a place I can mount such a device.

Thanks, John D.
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