[BVARC] Stir Crazy Net Sign-up Link

Mark Brantana n5prd at yahoo.com
Thu May 13 23:12:28 CDT 2021

Fellow BVARC Members,

As I mentioned in the club discussion tonight, here is the link for the Stir Crazy Net Control Operator sign-up. This link also appears permanently on the BVARC website. Currently next week is completely open. John had mentioned a ways back that he wanted to start handing this duty off a bit, and that this was the mechanism for signing up. I don’t know if John will be ready to resume as NCO next week, but it would be good to demonstrate that this sign-up can be self-sustaining. I am making a personal suggestion that we try to fill up the week. Also, this is great experience!


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PSu0fUdQUZHrD54L-FRIaDha47qEh_Jqq2baPTKL8V0/edit#gid=0 <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PSu0fUdQUZHrD54L-FRIaDha47qEh_Jqq2baPTKL8V0/edit#gid=0>

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