[BVARC] Ham Fest Question -- San Antonio Radio Fiesta

Rick Hiller rickhiller73 at gmail.com
Mon May 10 08:04:29 CDT 2021

The Beacon newsletter for June says that the Radio Fiesta Ham Fest is on.
  However, their website says...


*Due to the Local and State restrictions and concern for or members safety,
we have decided to cancel Radio Fiesta for 2021  *

Find this at :   https://w5sc.org/radio-fiesta/


IMHO, this is always a fun and well attended swap fest and well worth the
trip to Schertz.

I hope this is correct and current information.


Rick Hiller
*e-mail:     rickhiller73 at gmail.com <rickhiller73 at gmail.com>*
*Cell:        832-474-3713*
*Physical: 9031 Troulon Drive*
*               Houston, TX 77036*
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