[BVARC] HF Antenna Advice

MIKE BRANNAN mikebranna at aol.com
Fri May 7 15:11:31 CDT 2021

Years ago I used steel strapping around my chimney to hold a heavy dipole with large traps. Worked fine. Even went though several high wind events.  One removed a large portion of the roof. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 7, 2021, at 1:14 PM, Karl Bernard via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
> David,
> I wouldn't think that a dipole of any kind would put too much of a strain on your chimney. Even with the balun, that one only weighs 1.2lb (per DX Engineering - https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/mfj-2010). 
> Since whatever you use as a mount will weigh more than the antenna, just be sure to use a lightweight mount.
> Disclaimer - this only my opinion. I've never mounted an antenna on a chimney before.
> Thanks,
> Karl
>> On Fri, May 7, 2021 at 12:43 PM David Mehl via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
>> BVARC Club
>> I am a new ham and a club member since I passed my Tech last August at the BVAC testing. I have also passed both my General and Extra exam about a month ago. I am working on setting up a HF radio for home. I have a ‘backordered’ IC-7300 which may show up one day. In the mean time, I am trying to plan for my HF antenna that will fit on my small lot.   I think I can run an 40-20-10-6 OCFD (*MFJ-2010) in a slope from a tree in my front yard, with the feed point hung off a mounted on chimney, and then on to a post above my fence in my backyard. I don’t have any trees in my backyard. Instead I have power lines across the back of the lot that I have to avoid.
>> I keep reading various comments and warnings about using a chimney for a mount. My chimney is in good repair, having been inspected and repaired during my home rebuilt after being flooded during Harvey.
>> Is the center of the OCFD a light enough load to consider using my chimney as a center mount? Is there a right way to do that? Or should I ‘bite the bullet’ and setup a pole beside the chimney?
>> Any other antenna advice for a novice?
>> Thanks
>> AI5DK
>> David
>> David Mehl / Houston Texas USA / dcmehl at live.com
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