[BVARC] Thursday Night Simplex Net - Announcements

Mark B Brantana N5PRD at yahoo.com
Wed May 5 17:46:50 CDT 2021

Member of: BVARC


From: Greater Houston Simplex Network:


A reminder to join us this Thursday evening (May 6) at 7pm on 146.540 simplex (w/o tones) for the Thursday Night Simplex Net. This week, we will NOT be starting out on the 146.940 repeater as was our practice previously.


You may wish to add your email information to the Email Sign-up page to ensure you continue receiving updates. We intend move from the BVARC reflector to our MailChimp application for announcements. See below for further details about these announce


General Announcements:


The Thursday Night Simplex Net meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 7 pm to practice simplex operations on 146.540 (w/o tones). 


·     The organization has met a major milestone with the publication of their website at houstonsimplex.pythonanywhere.com. The site contains many important features developed for the net, including Scripts, an FAQ, a brief tutorial on NetLogger, and other helps. Participants are highly encouraged to sign up for email updates at https://pythonanywhere.us1.list-manage.com/subscribe/post?u=5076cc068b025e0c0edf7e91a&id=778073b6c3. All information is strictly private, will be used for organization announcement purposes only, and can easily be unsubscribed as desired. Many thanks to Monique KG5WDF for providing the group with a professional, educational and secure website. An alternate mirror to the website has been provided by Dave KK5DS, which might be easier to remember: SimplexHouston.com . Really cool Dave. Thanks!


·     I have been contacted by Dwaine KG5UJO, who operates a simplex net in the SE Houston area. We are discussing doing some joint simplex exercises with them in the near future. This is very exciting, and I am sure there are other simplex nets we could work with as well. If you know of any of these, please send me whatever contact information you may have.





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