[BVARC] backup power plan

Shannon Tassin stassin at hotmail.com
Mon May 3 18:38:15 CDT 2021

I recently made many calls and talked to many vendors to determine the best backup power plan. I was hoping that solar plus battery would not only provide power during an outage but would also always provide power.

My conclusion was that whole home backup generator is still the only cost reasonable option. That will cost you $10-15k (but they are in short supply and you likely won’t get until November) whereas solar plus battery is more like $50k. I was even told by one solar company that when the power is out, the solar panels get shut down so as not to push electricity back to the grid so they don’t generate at all when the grid is down. So for a long outage all you have is the battery and no ongoing solar generation.

On May 3, 2021, at 6:12 PM, D. Howard Bingham via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:

Easy, get a Generac WHOLE HOUSE Generator, but be careful, as since the FREEZE & power outages several months ago, PRICES ARE WAY UP & supplies may be SHORT with a LONG WAIT for installation.

My Nephew had the Generac system installed in my Sister's home in Deer Park 3 years ago, I need power for CPAP breathing machine at night, sister has tripped in the dark when power has gone out at night. So here it's a MEDICAL ISSUE.

Alternative would be SOLAR CELLS (GENERAC HAS THESE with Battery Power packs that typically are installed in a garage for use when power fails at night, or during storms.).

Those who've followed the PBS "This Old House" has seen similar systems installed in major house remodeling over the years.


D. Howard Bingham



On 5/3/2021 2:42 PM, Mike Lambert via BVARC wrote:
Hurricane season starts in a month.

I am interested in talking to anyone who has a backup power plan (remember Ike?) to compare notes, ideas, techniques, etc.

We could comm via email outside of the BVARC listserve.

mikradhou at hotmail.com<mailto:mikradhou at hotmail.com>

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