[BVARC] backup power plan
Chris Luppens
jcluppens at ussailing.net
Mon May 3 16:35:40 CDT 2021
I remember Ike and others here and in Louisiana. I live in a townhouse and it has forced me to rethink a lot of things like antennas and backup power. I have no yard, a line of unusable trees along a driveway immediately alongside the front edge of the house. No Room to legally install a Generac and using a Honda type generator puts it within 3 or 4-ft of the structure making it unsafe from a carbon monoxide standpoint. This is not everything but close. Buying a nice battery pack and figuring out charging it is a whole new pile of issues.
Last year I took the radio and computer to a park and played for about 4 hours. I installed a 12 AWG double fused cable direct to the 12V buss in my hybrid vehicle. I left the system on the whole time, air conditioner off, and had no issues. Could not even tell how much gas I used. (The motor only runs to maintain voltage in battery)
I believe I can run my home system the same way. As an ol RC flyer I have used XT60 connectors forever and rigged the car and house system so I could quickly move my old mobile radio I was using to the car quickly for deployment. So I just made a 100-ft 12AWG extension cord and it can run from the air car to shack in my office.
I know this is not conventional but I am sure it can work for several days and it is pretty safe setup.
Chris Luppens KG5BBF
> On May 3, 2021, at 2:42 PM, Mike Lambert via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
> Hurricane season starts in a month.
> I am interested in talking to anyone who has a backup power plan (remember Ike?) to compare notes, ideas, techniques, etc.
> We could comm via email outside of the BVARC listserve.
> Mike
> mikradhou at hotmail.com
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