[BVARC] NCJ Magazine XLNT Antenna Article

Rick Hiller rickhiller73 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 28 10:28:10 CDT 2021

The 2020 November/December issue of the National Contest Journal has a nice
article about antenna radiation patterns related to the angles of radiation.

Although contest oriented (this is a contesting magazine), it is applicable
to any HF operation, as it talks about the best situations for working
domestic and DX.

How to get there?
     --    Go to http://www.arrl.org/arrl-magazines
     --    Log on to ARRL, when asked
     --    Click on the latest NCJ digital issue March/April 2021
     --    When the current mag cover displays, click on the "Archive" icon
                 on the top tool bar, right side.
     --    Select 2020 and the Nov/December issue.
     --    Find the "Contest Tips, Tricks and Techniques" column

BTW, Part 2 is in the 2021 Jan/Feb issue of NCJ

IMHO, this is one of the top 3 benefits for being in ARRL.  Digital access
to QST, On the Air , NCJ *and* QEX.....a brilliant move, again, IMHO..

Rethink your antenna farm.........73....Rick   W5RH
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