[BVARC] 3 element 10 meter Beam question
Jonathan Guthrie
ka8kpn at ka8kpn.org
Tue Mar 23 10:07:47 CDT 2021
Because with ionospheric propagation, the signals come back to earth in
distinct rings at specified distances from you. You can talk to people
at that distance, but not to distances closer or farther away.
If you want to know the why of that, then my explanation gets all kinds
of hand-wavy, and not terribly convincing. There is a
frequency-dependent component and an angle-dependent component, but it's
why NVIS works better on the "low bands" than on 10m.
On 3/23/2021 10:00 AM, Gayle Dotts via BVARC wrote:
> 16 feet vs 22 feet height, as it pertains to takeoff and distance
> achieved. I assume the higher the further is the rule. How come, on
> days when on 10 meters (with propagation) I can contact all over South
> America but can not for the life of me get North Carolina or Kentucky
> or Florida during the day?
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