Rick Hiller rickhiller73 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 21 21:21:55 CDT 2021

[image: image.png]

*NEWS BLAST Issue #54*

*-- The Smith Chart -- Fear No More*

*-- FCC Fee Increase Timing Notice*


*BVARC Stir Crazy Net -- *tune into 146.94 every weekday at Noon for a fun,
information packed 1 hour.  Check in and maintain your sanity and improve
your Ham Radio knowledge.   Spread the word.  All are invited, as with all
BVARC nets and activities.

*Monday Night Net *--  8PM, March 22, visit with Terry, K5PGF, NCS. 146.94
Repeater.  C U there.

*Wednesday Night Rag Chew Net *-- 3910 KHz at 7PM.  John, K5LKJ - NCS.

   A net to just chew the rag.  Early check-ins from 6:30.  Telephone
check-ins call 832-474-3713 during the net.

*Meetings  *

*TDXS March 18th Meeting -- "The Smith Chart: an Overview" by Robie Elms
    Does mention of the Smith Chart send chills up your spine?  Fear no
more, with Robie, AJ4F's
    excellent presentation available at TDXS.com  and

*   BVARC March Club Meeting -- **ARRL Director, John Stratton, N5AUS*
    John Stratton gave a good presentation of the ARRL.  A recording of the
   Zoom meeting will soon be on You Tube.   Stay tuned to the Reflector.

 *  BVARC January Club Meeting -- Museum Ships Presentation on-line*
      Jeff, W5JEF, has placed Mark Janzer's excellent presentation about
      and the Museum Ships operations on YouTube.   Find it at:

  *BVARC February Club Meeting --  W6SX Contesting Presentation on-line*
      Jeff put notice on the reflector of  W6SX, Hank Garretson's
presentation on Youtube.
         Find it at:     https://youtu.be/Qys_xU8lgCs

 *Testing, HamFests and Newsletters*

*Next VE Testing April 10th  *
Contact our VE coordinator Mark Janzer for a seat.  They are going fast.
    Mark Janzer e-mail is K5MGJ at y <K5MGJ at gmail.com>ahoo.com

*March 2021 BVARC Beacon Newsletter* is on the web site www.bvarc.org.
Read JP's "Cutting Through the Static" ...all about Ham abbreviations.

* QSO Today Virtual International Hamexpo -- On Demand Presentations*
   All 64 of the presentations are now available for viewing on demand
until April 16th.


   Go to *https://qsotoday.vfairs.com*

   Go to Log-in button

   Enter *only your email address*, without password.

 *FCC issues new R&O about the licensing price increase.*
     ARRL  Director John Stratton comments:  The FCC Report & Order on new
    licensing fees that was adopted in December 2020 was published
   on Friday, March 19, 2021.  However, *the** new fees for Amateur Radio*
*   license fees will NOT become effective on April 19, 2021.*
   Thus, it is not necessary for VECs to collect, or for any new licenses
to pay
   any license fees until the FCC publicly publishes in the Federal Register
   the date on which such fees must be collected/paid.
   So, encourage everyone to get their licenses before this
   summer —  it will save them $35.00.
                           *John Robert Stratton*
                           West Gulf Division Director -- ARRL

*         Ham Radio Trivia ......*
                       QCWA stands for what?
                 1) Quick CW Always
                 2) Quarter Century Wireless Club
                 3) Quarter Centimeter Wolford Antenna
                 4) Quality Continuous Wave Academy

                 Enjoy your hobby....73  Ed.

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