[BVARC] Fwd: Pssss, Tomorrow night, NARS
john Parmalee
jparmalee at aol.com
Thu Mar 18 11:26:09 CDT 2021
John ParmaleeJparmalee at aol.com281-380-3811 K5VGM WI2XLJ
From: jparmalee at aol.com
To: nars at mailman.qth.net, the-woodlands-amateur-radio-club at googlegroups.com, miltcamp at aol.com, bvarc at bvarc.com
Cc: jportune at aol.com, richard_g_nelson at fpl.com, gordavis at att.net, w5sfa at w5sfa.org
Sent: 3/18/2021 11:23:09 AM Central Standard Time
Subject: Pssss, Tomorrow night, NARS
Tomorrow night, 7:30 in person at the fire house or zoom 281 543 6502 pass word 123456 John Portune will speak on a unique 40-meter antenna, easy to understand, easy to build and your neighbors probably won’t notice.
John is a many time published, almost regular in QST and a featured speaker on the recent on-line ham fests. Check out https://w6nbc.com/indexPPT.html for an index to some interesting narrated power point presentations.
John has spoken to many clubs and is a past NARS speaker. Welcome back John!
Greetings NARS,
As Ron says the club will meet Friday night the 19th both at the fire station and via zoom. 281-543-6502 password 123456
John Portune will be our speaker. John most recently was a speaker at the QSO virtual conference this past weekend speaking on the inverted crossed delta loop. John has many projects posted in QST, His site W6NBC.com has many antenna projects that are simple and easy to construct. As you might guess with a call like W6NBC he is a retired broadcast engineer with many years of service at the Burbank production facility and local channel four.
John will speak to us about a 40-meter vertical that does not require radials and is a bit stealthy.
https://w6nbc.com/PPT/Satellite3.mp4 is a power point presentation on a 40-meter antenna that will fit in almost any attic. Even if you don’t need to hide in the attic the coil construction techniques will work for many projects. If you are interested I suggest you check out W6NBC.com for lots of projects.
John ParmaleeJparmalee at aol.com281-380-3811 K5VGM WI2XLJ
From: ronm1 at att.net
To: NARS at mailman.qth.net
Sent: 2/27/2021 1:58:34 PM Central Standard Time
Subject: [NARS] NARS March 19th General Meeting
Please note the following information provided by Harris County: The Harris County COVID Alert Level has been reduced To Level 2, asdescribed below: Current Level: There are four levels: * Level 1 - Severe (red) Stay Home (current) * Level 2 - Significant (orange) Minimize All Contacts * Level 3 - Moderate (yellow) Stay Vigilant * Level 4 - Minimal (green) Resume Normal Contacts Given the Covid-19 infections are reported to be declining and several havereceived the vaccine, we will hold our March 19th NARS General meeting inperson at the Klein Fire Department Administration<http://www.w5nc.net/index.php/club-info/club-meeting> building -conference room. We encourage everyone to abide by the health guidelines - masks and socialdistancing - will be in effect. The General meeting will be at 7:30PM in the Administration Building whichis located behind Klein Fire Department Station 4, 16810 Squyres Rd, Spring,TX 77379. Look forward to seeing all of you at the meeting! We will try to have Zoomavailable from that location. Please refer to our website at www.w5nc.net <http://www.w5nc.net> for moreinformation regarding the meeting agenda. Ron Matusek WA6TQH Northwest Amateur Radio Society President NARS ARRL VE Liaison Member The American Radio Relay League ______________________________________________________________NARS mailing listHome: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/narsHelp: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htmPost: mailto:NARS at mailman.qth.net This list hosted by: http://www.qsl.netPlease help support this email list: http://www.qsl.net/donate.html
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