[BVARC] Fwd: Get Early Bird Discount Tickets For March QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo!!
Jonathan Guthrie
ka8kpn at ka8kpn.org
Sat Mar 13 15:48:08 CST 2021
2 out of 4 now and the presentation on the skeleton slot antenna was
worth the cost of admission for me.
On 3/13/21 1:43 PM, Jonathan Guthrie via BVARC wrote:
> Access problems.
> I guess 1 out of 3 ain't bad.
> On 3/13/21 1:33 PM, Rick Hiller via BVARC wrote:
>> Access problems or content?
>> RH
>> Sent from my i-Thingamajig
>> On Mar 13, 2021, at 12:59 PM, Jonathan Guthrie via BVARC
>> <bvarc at bvarc.org <mailto:bvarc at bvarc.org>> wrote:
>>> I hope everybody else who paid for this is getting their money's worth.
>>> I haven't had much success.
>>> On 2/10/21 4:53 PM, john Parmalee via BVARC wrote:
>>>> From: hamexpo at qsotoday.com
>>>> To: jparmalee at aol.com
>>>> Sent: 2/10/2021 3:02:10 PM Central Standard Time
>>>> Subject: Get Early Bird Discount Tickets For March QSO Today
>>>> Virtual Ham Expo!!
>>>> Dear John,
>>>> The next QSO Today Expo is approaching fast, taking place on
>>>> March 13-14, 2021. This Expo will be even better with many new
>>>> speakers, Build-A-Thons
>>>> <https://app.getresponse.com/click.html?x=a62b&lc=B4aK9s&mc=In&s=AgMfQV&u=Fa22&z=ECzcyNe&>,
>>>> panel discussions, and much more. Early Bird discount tickets
>>>> are now available and include entry for the Live 2 day period
>>>> plus the 30-day on-demand period. Registration can be found at
>>>> the Expo Website.
>>>> <https://app.getresponse.com/click.html?x=a62b&lc=B4aKRi&mc=In&s=AgMfQV&u=Fa22&z=EIo6GAB&>
>>>> The ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio® in the
>>>> United States, is a QSO Today Expo Partner.
>>>> At the Expo, there’s something for everyone:
>>>> * Learn from a packed line-up of 80+ renowned ham radio
>>>> speakers such as Bob Allphin, K4UEE, on “My Favorite
>>>> DXpeditions to DXCC Top 10 Most Wanted”; Michael Foerster,
>>>> W0IH, on “Using the Arduino In Your Shack”; and Ron Jones,
>>>> K7RJ, on “3D Printer Basics”.
>>>> * Take part in Live virtual kit building workshops
>>>> <https://app.getresponse.com/click.html?x=a62b&lc=B4aK9s&mc=In&s=AgMfQV&u=Fa22&z=EtjkSg4&>.
>>>> Kits will be available for purchase and delivered prior to
>>>> the Expo so you can build from the convenience of your home.
>>>> * Walk through the virtual exhibit hall filled with popular
>>>> amateur radio suppliers. Watch live product demos of the
>>>> latest equipment. New video technology will be used to
>>>> provide a better experience for attendees to engage with
>>>> exhibitors.
>>>> * Meet up with fellow hams in virtual lounges using the
>>>> latest, new video technology.
>>>> You can participate from the convenience of your home without
>>>> spending a dime on travel! So if you’ve never been to an
>>>> in-person Hamfest, you can participate in the Expo and get the
>>>> same benefits. The platform simulates a full convention
>>>> experience.
>>>> Flexradio is the Expo’s Platinum Sponsor and Gold sponsors as
>>>> of this time include Elecraft, RFinder, Quicksilver Radio, and
>>>> CSI.
>>>> Come and join thousands of ham radio operators - go to
>>>> https://www.qsotodayhamexpo.com
>>>> <https://app.getresponse.com/click.html?x=a62b&lc=B4aKRi&mc=In&s=AgMfQV&u=Fa22&z=Et3OzaO&>/
>>>> now to learn more and get registered!
>>>> We look forward to having you join us at Expo for an amazing
>>>> and engaging experience.
>>>> Go to the Expo!
>>>> <https://app.getresponse.com/click.html?x=a62b&lc=B4aKr6&mc=In&s=AgMfQV&u=Fa22&z=EBJlB0B&>
>>>> Eric Guth, 1139 Alvira Street, Los Angeles, CA 90035, United
>>>> States
>>>> You may unsubscribe
>>>> <https://app.getresponse.com/unsubscribe.html?x=a62b&m=4NInb&mc=In&s=AgMfQV&u=Fa22&z=EhDQw40&pt=unsubscribe>
>>>> or change your contact details
>>>> <https://app.getresponse.com/change_details.html?x=a62b&m=4NInb&s=AgMfQV&u=Fa22&z=EFUMhQ4&pt=change_details>
>>>> at any time.
>>>> <https://app.getresponse.com/referral.html?x=a62b&c=RZpmf&u=Fa22&z=ECCJBE&>
>>>> Powered by:
>>>> GetResponse
>>>> <https://app.getresponse.com/referral.html?x=a62b&c=RZpmf&u=Fa22&z=EBTuCwQ&>
>>>> ________________________________________________
>>>> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
>>>> BVARC mailing list
>>>> BVARC at bvarc.org
>>>> http://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org
>>>> Publicly available archives are available here:https://www.mail-archive.com/bvarc@bvarc.org/
>>> --
>>> Jonathan Guthrie
>>> ________________________________________________
>>> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
>>> BVARC mailing list
>>> BVARC at bvarc.org <mailto:BVARC at bvarc.org>
>>> http://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org
>>> <http://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org>
>>> Publicly available archives are available here:
>>> https://www.mail-archive.com/bvarc@bvarc.org/
>>> <https://www.mail-archive.com/bvarc@bvarc.org/>
>> ________________________________________________
>> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
>> BVARC mailing list
>> BVARC at bvarc.org
>> http://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org
>> Publicly available archives are available here:https://www.mail-archive.com/bvarc@bvarc.org/
> --
> Jonathan Guthrie
> ________________________________________________
> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
> BVARC mailing list
> BVARC at bvarc.org
> http://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org
> Publicly available archives are available here: https://www.mail-archive.com/bvarc@bvarc.org/
Jonathan Guthrie
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