[BVARC] News Blast #51 TYPO Corrections
Rick Hiller
rickhiller73 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 15:12:44 CST 2021
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Find more BVARC club info at *www.bvarc.org <http://www.bvarc.org/>*
*NEWS BLAST Issue #51*
*-- ARRL Director featured at the March Club Meeting*
*--VE Testing Session March 6th is Full Up -- No More Seats *
*BVARC Stir Crazy Net -- *tune into 146.94 every weekday at Noon for a fun,
information packed 1 hour. Check in and maintain your sanity and improve
your Ham Radio knowledge. Spread the word. All are invited, as with all
BVARC nets and activities.
*Monday Night Net *-- 8PM, March 1, visit with Dwayne, KB5YTA, NCS. 146.94
Repeater. C U there.
*Wednesday Night Rag Chew Net *-- 3910 KHz at 7PM. John, K5LKJ - NCS.
A net to just chew the rag. Early check-ins from 6:30. Telephone
check-ins call 832-474-3713 during the net.
*Meetings *
* BVARC March 11th Zoom based Club Meeting -- **ARRL Director, John
Stratton, N5AUS*
Highlighting the ARRL BOD meeting and the Leagues activities for the
He will be open to questions too. Zoom meeting details to be
posted on the reflector and on the web site.
* BVARC January Club Meeting -- Museum Ships Presentation on-line*
Jeff, W5JEF, has placed Mark Janzer's excellent presentation about
and the Museum Ships operations on YouTube. Find it at:
*BVARC February Club Meeting -- W6SX Contesting Presentation on-line*
Jeff put notice on the reflector of W6SX, Hank Garretson's
presentation on Youtube.
Find it at: https://youtu.be/Qys_xU8lgCs
*Testing, HamFests and Newsletters*
*VE Testing March 6th* is full-up according to our VE coordinator Mark
Seats are available for the April Test Session on April 10th.
Contact Mark Janzer to reserve your seat. K5MGJ at yahoo.com <K5MGJ at gmail.com>
*February 2021 BVARC Beacon Newsletter* is on the web site www.bvarc.org.
Read K5HM's "The Dark Side's" frustrating ground rod deployment
Sound familiar? If so, welcome to Houston and our Gulf Coast clay.
* QSO Today Virtual International Hamexpo -- March 12th thru the 14th *
Have a look at their website at: https://www.qsotodayhamexpo.com/
Earlybird entry fee is $10, sign up now.
Review the speaker and topic list at:
*Newsletter Input and Feedback* -- News, announcements, events, comments,
likes or dislikes to Rick, W5RH at rickhiller73 at gmail.com
* Ham Radio in the Movies*
Can you spot the Comet mobile antennas in the reboot of Star Trek?
It is in the first 5 minutes and it's hard to spot. There are several
antennas visible and they are out in the open.
You may have to step through the frames to find them,
but they are there. Good luck-- N5VCX
* Ham Radio Trivia ......*
Which one of the listed names and acronyms
is *NOT* a receive antenna type?
C) Snake
* L**ast newsletter's Ham Radio Trivia answer --*
B) dB -- Return Loss is the measure, in dB,
of the difference between incident power
and reflected power.
Enjoy your hobby....73 Ed.
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