[BVARC] Voice id on digital voice modes - m-17, Echolink, etc

Christopher Boone setxtelecom at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 11:06:22 CST 2021

FCC rules 97.119 require that ID's be given so that anyone monitoring the
conversation can determine the station transmitting. So yes on any digital
voice mode, aural ID'S are required.


On Mon, Mar 1, 2021, 10:49 AM David Hold via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:

> I heard 2 hams last night talk for 60 minutes on m-17 via DroidStar. They
> never did any voice IDs.
> Is it not required to give a voice id anymore....
> I can understand that the app shows the callsign so I can see that it
> would not be necessary.
> But I would think that m-17 like EchoLink would be rebroadcast on some
> terrestrial repeaters.... that those listening on that repeater would
> expect some voice id of those hams.
> --
> David Hold david.hold at gmail.com
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