Jeff Greer greerjw at hotmail.com
Sat Jun 26 18:54:23 CDT 2021

Just a reminder that ARRL Field day is going on now.  Details below.  We're looking for operators to come out and help BVARC take top honors for the 4A section.

BVARC will also need volunteers tomorrow to help wind things down and clean up, so if your able and available, please come out Sunday afternoon.


-Jeff W5JEF
BVARC Corresponding Secretary

From: BVARC <bvarc-bounces at bvarc.org> on behalf of Jeff Greer via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org>
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2021 11:27 AM
Cc: Jeff Greer <greerjw at hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [BVARC] Field Day!

Apparently, there's a flyer.  It's attached.

From: BVARC <bvarc-bounces at bvarc.org> on behalf of Jeff Greer via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org>
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2021 7:03 AM
Cc: Jeff Greer <greerjw at hotmail.com>
Subject: [BVARC] Field Day!


ARRL Field Day is this weekend!  We hope to see everyone out at the park!  As always, all are welcome.  (No need to be a member, no need to be a ham - everybody's invited.)  Come on out and have a good time.  (If you've never operated on HF before, this is a great chance to do so.  There will be a GOTA ("get on the air") station available so anyone who wants to can work some HF.  A good time will be had by all.  Oh, and there will be food, thanks to the always heroic efforts of Daphne and Kelli!

Deets from bvarc.org:

BVARC Field Day :

Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club Presents
Field Day – A Relaxed State
June 26th and 27th

Duhacsek Park

17034 Old Richmond Rd, Sugar Land, TX 77498 (Old Richmond at Voss)

A Day of Learning, Education and Fun

The COVID virus has affected many amateur radio functions since March of 2020. However, different facilities have started to open-up in the area and the BVARC Field Day location is one of them.

Due to it being so late though, this year BVARC Field Day will take a different direction. Instead of the regular contest format, we will have a “Field Day Lite” centered around learning, education just having fun. Instead of the normal 8 stations operating, this year there will only be 4. With this number we can concentrate more on education in amateur radio.
As always, Field Day participants will not go hungry. The dynamic duo of Daphne and Kelli will be handling the catering needs of the event as they have in the past so make sure you are hungry!

Friday Noon to 6 pm Set-up
Saturday 7 am to 1 pm Set-up
8 am to 10 am Breakfast
Saturday 1 pm to ? pm (Till we run out of Food!) Operate
4 pm to 6 pm Dinner
Sunday 7 am to 1 pm Operate
8 am to 10 am Breakfast
Sunday 1 pm to ? pm (Till we finish!) Clean-up

There will be a couple of “training classes” during the day on Saturday. One class will be on building simple antennas for emergency use or Field Day. Another class will be on CW operation and the final class will be  Winlink operation. There will also be a Cadets from Civil Air Patrol coming out to see our operation so be helpful and make them feel welcome. We will also have the Fort Bend County EMROG communications trailer onsite as our GOTA station.

If you would like to help, contact either Mike, N5VCX at 713-826-6917 or Bill, W5VOM at 832-330-3302. We are needing people to help set-up, operate and help with the training.

So come on out and enjoy the festivities.

As always, our friends at ECHO, KARS and TDXS are invited.
(as well as any other group, club, hams and non-hams that would like to attend).

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