[BVARC] Information on Houston Local Traffic Nets (HLTN) for Field Day
Sheree Horton
sher5456 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 18 11:13:39 CDT 2021
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*Houston Local Traffic Net Field Day Information*
The Houston Local Traffic Net will be active during Field Day to allow
participating stations an opportunity to claim the message handling bonus
points. The official ARRL Field Day rules concerning message bonus points
are stated below:
*7.3.5. Message Origination to Section Manager*: 100 bonus points for
origination of a formal message to the ARRL Section Manager or Section
Emergency Coordinator by your group from its site. You should include the
club name, number of participants, Field Day location, and number of ARES
operators involved with your station. *The message must be transmitted
during the Field Day period and a copy of it must be included in your
submission in standard ARRL radiogram or no credit will be given. The
message must leave or enter the Field Day operation via amateur radio RF. *
The Section Manager message is separate from the messages handled in Rule
7.3.6. and may not be claimed for bonus points under that rule.
*Available to all Classes. 7.3.6. Message Handling*: *10 points for each
formal message originated, relayed or received and delivered during the
Field Day period, up to a maximum of 100 points (ten messages). Copies of
each message must be included with the Field Day report. The message to the
ARRL SM or SEC under Rule 7.3.5. does not count towards the total of 10 for
this bonus. Available to all Classes. All messages claimed for bonus points
must leave or enter the Field Day operation via amateur radio RF. *
You can earn a maximum of 200 bonus points by sending 11 messages. This
is equivalent to making 200 voice QSOs.
Please note that the Field Day message bonus points are available to all
Classes (A through F). This means anyone operating Field Day with a large
group out at a park (Class A), as an individual operating from home (Class
D or E), or even operating mobile as Class C, can take advantage of the
bonus points. Even Technician Class operators with no HF equipment can
still send messages by using Winlink and connecting to one of the local
VHF/UHF nodes (Telnet connections are not allowed) or by checking into one
the Houston Local Traffic Net Field Day nets.
*The Houston Local Traffic Net Field Day Schedule (all times are local)*
*Saturday June 26, 6:30pm 146.940 repeater pl 167.9 and 147.000
repeater pl 103.5 *
*Sunday June 27, 11:00am 146.940 repeater pl 167.9 and 147.000
repeater pl 103.5*
* ** Nets will run simultaneously on both the 146.94 and 147.000
repeaters. You may check in on either repeater.*
*If you are not sure how to write the message or send it, ask the net
control operators for help. They will be glad to assist you. *
*The Houston Local Traffic Net Weekly Schedule (all times are local)*
*Monday 6:30pm 146.940 repeater pl 167.9*
*Thursday 6:30pm 147.000 repeater pl 103.5*
*Any questions may be sent to:*
Bill Novak, KA9IKK, Houston Local Traffic Net MANAGER. KA9IKK at ARRL.NET
Ron Bosch, KE4DRF, ARRL STX Traffic Manager, KE4DRF at ARRL.NET
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