[BVARC] update your new call signs

kd5fba at gmail.com kd5fba at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 15:46:15 CDT 2021



Please update my information on the roster to DELETE the listed email of smedbury at windstream.net <mailto:smedbury at windstream.net>  and make my primary email address kd5fba at gmail.com <mailto:kd5fba at gmail.com>  . I will be deleting all Windstream addresses. This applies to the listserver as well.


73 de Scott KD5FBA

Kd5fba at gmail.com


From: BVARC <bvarc-bounces at bvarc.org> On Behalf Of Eddie Runner via BVARC
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2021 9:32 AM
To: bvarc at bvarc.org
Cc: Eddie Runner <eddie.runner at yahoo.com>
Subject: [BVARC] update your new call signs


Recently the club has been growing and we have had a bunch of new

hams sign up for BVARC membership... 


Some joined at testing and did not know the new call sign yet.


Check the website bvarc.org and check the online club rooster to make sure

we have your new call sign and that other info is correct.


thank you

Eddie (NU5K)


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