Rick Hiller
rickhiller73 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 13 20:57:26 CDT 2021
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*NEWS BLAST Issue # 65*
*-- BVARC Field Day is On -- June 26 and 27 *
* Fun, Food and Frequencies.*
*All members are invited to come out and see what it is all about. *
*--Skeeters Baseball Night -- KD5FBA is narrowing in on a date *
*BVARC Stir Crazy Net -- *
Tune into 146.94 every weekday at Noon for a fun, information packed 1
hour. Check in and maintain your sanity and improve your Ham Radio
knowledge. Spread the word. All are invited, as with all BVARC nets and
*Monday Night Net *-- 8PM, June 14, visit with Dave, N5EKW, NCS. 146.94
Repeater. C U there.
*Wednesday Night Rag Chew Net *-- 3910 KHz at 7PM. John, K5LKJ - NCS.
A net to just chew the rag. Early check-ins from 6:30. Telephone
check-ins call 832-474-3713 during the net.
*GHSN -- Greater Houston Simplex Net *--
Visit their web site at simplexhouston.com
Mark, N5PRD, is the point of contact. Contact him at: N5PRD@
<N5PRD at gmail.com>yahoo.com
*News, Presentations, plus On Air and Social Activities*
*June 2021 BVARC Beacon Newsletter,* in color, is on the web site
Read all about ARRL Field Day -- New Rules for 2021
* <https://youtu.be/7a4doKEPN5M>*
*ARRL /BVARC Field Day is June 26 and 27 . *
--Visit WWW.BVARC.org home page for Field Day info.
* --Watch for notice on the reflector of the next Field Day meeting
for this Thursday.*
Go to* www.arrl.org/fieldday <http://www.arrl.org/fieldday>,* or
the June BVARC Beacon,
and read all about it and the rules update for 2021.
However, instead of the regular contest format, we will have a
“Field Day Lite”
centered around learning, education and just having fun. So,
instead of the normal
8 stations operating, this year there will only be 3 or 4. With
this number
we can concentrate more on the education in amateur radio.
* -- **If you would like to help, contact either Mike, N5VCX at
* or Bill, W5VOM at 832-330-3302. *
* We are needing people to help set-up, operate and help with the
training. *
*Texas City Hamfest is on! *Saturday, July 10th -- More info at
* https://www.tidelands.org/events/tidelands-texas-city-hamfest/2021-07-10/
*Skeeters Baseball Night* --
Scott, KD5FBA, is hoping to have, this week, a firm date for the BVARC
Skeeters Night Out.
Stay tuned to the reflector for the latest developments.
*Meetings *
*BVARC June 10th Club Meeting took place. *Discussion about the revised
Field Day plans took place.
Recording to be on YouTube soon.
*BVARC January Club Meeting -- Museum Ships Presentation on-line*
Jeff, W5JEF, has placed Mark Janzer's excellent presentation about BVARC
and the Museum Ships operations on YouTube. Find it at:
*BVARC February Club Meeting -- W6SX Contesting Presentation on-line*
Jeff put notice on the reflector of W6SX, Hank Garretson's
presentation on Youtube.
Find it at: https://youtu.be/Qys_xU8lgCs
*BVARC March Club Meeting -- **ARRL Director, John Stratton, N5AUS*
John Stratton gave a good presentation on the ARRL.
A recording of the March 11th Zoom meeting can be found
at https://youtu.be/D6UEABpuzqo
* BVARC April Club Meeting -- * Paul Gilbert, KE5ZW, ARRL EmCom Management
Meeting was April 15th -- Recording of the Zoom meeting
will be on YouTube soon.
*BVARC May 13th Club Meeting -- Hurricane Preparation by N5VCX.*
* Recording -- soon to be on line.*
* Are You Having a Laugh ?*
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Enjoy your hobby....73 Ed.
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