[BVARC] need help

Bob H W5UQ at att.net
Thu Jun 10 12:59:33 CDT 2021

Hi guys,
              Long time no see...  especially since the ham fests are 
mostly now on the Internet.    🙁
Well, some of you may know me.  I own Expert Linears America.  SPE high 
power solid state amplifiers.
We're near Magnolia, TX.   And we have grown so much that we need some 
"more help repairing of our amplifiers".
We will train the right person.  Good opportunity for someone in the 
Houston area to have a good home business.

If you know of anyone that might be qualified, for example has good RF 
has good repair ethics, etc....   Oh yes, MUST be a HAM....
please have them Email me first at *W5UQ at att.net *

I just love to see you guys active on the BVARC reflector.  It's a great 
Reading your mail keeps me informed about what's going on around our area.
Bob Hardie-- W5UQ

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