Rick Hiller
rickhiller73 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 6 21:19:03 CDT 2021
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*NEWS BLAST Issue # 64*
*-- CHANGE OF PLANS -- BVARC Field Day is On -- Read below*
*--Skeeters Baseball Night -- KD5FBA is looking for answers *
*BVARC Stir Crazy Net -- *
Tune into 146.94 every weekday at Noon for a fun, information packed 1
hour. Check in and maintain your sanity and improve your Ham Radio
knowledge. Spread the word. All are invited, as with all BVARC nets and
*Monday Night Net *-- 8PM, May 31st, visit with Mike, N5VCX, NCS. 146.94
Repeater. C U there.
*Wednesday Night Rag Chew Net *-- 3910 KHz at 7PM. John, K5LKJ - NCS.
A net to just chew the rag. Early check-ins from 6:30. Telephone
check-ins call 832-474-3713 during the net.
*GHSN -- Greater Houston Simplex Net *--
Mark, N5PRD, is the point of contact. Contact him at: N5PRD@
<N5PRD at gmail.com>yahoo.com
*News, Presentations, plus On Air and Social Activities*
*June 2021 BVARC Beacon Newsletter,* in color, is on the web site
Read all about the Donut Hole in *The Radio Hotel *
* <https://youtu.be/7a4doKEPN5M>*
*Museum Ships Weekend -- June 4th, 5th and 6th --* Hope you all worked a
few ships at least. The local WX men really blew it for the weekend
*Next BVARC VE Licensing Testing June 12th 10:30 AM *
Contact our VE coordinator Mark Janzer for more information.
Note: Bayland Park- Masks are still required.
Mark Janzer -- e-mail is K5MGJ at y <K5MGJ at gmail.com>ahoo.com
*NOTE: Beginning May 20, 2021, all amateur examination applicants will be
required to provide an FCC Registration Number (FRN) to the Volunteer
Examiners (VEs) before taking an amateur exam. View the tutorial
at https://youtu.be/7a4doKEPN5M <https://youtu.be/7a4doKEPN5M>*
*W5RH Big Give Away -- Rescheduled for next Saturday, June 12th.*
* Again -- *The local WX men really blew it for this past weekend's
Stay tuned to the reflector and nets for the latest.
*ARRL /BVARC Field Day is June 26 and 27 . Change of Plans for the
Go to* www.arrl.org/fieldday <http://www.arrl.org/fieldday>,* or
the June BVARC Beacon,
and read all about it and the rules update for 2021.
However, instead of the regular contest format, we will have a
“Field Day Lite”
centered around learning, education and just having fun. So,
instead of the normal
8 stations operating, this year there will only be 3 or 4. With
this number
we can concentrate more on the education in amateur radio.
* -- **If you would like to help, contact either Mike, N5VCX at
* or Bill, W5VOM at 832-330-3302. *
* We are needing people to help set-up, operate and help with the
training. *
*Texas City Hamfest is on! *Saturday, July 10th -- More info at
* https://www.tidelands.org/events/tidelands-texas-city-hamfest/2021-07-10/
*Skeeters Baseball Night* --
Scott, KD5FBA, is canvassing the membership for input on dates and
prices, etc.
See the reflector announcements from Scott about providing him with your
*Meetings *
*BVARC June 10th Club Meeting -- via Zoom.* Discussion about the revised
Field Day plans.
Joining details will be on the reflector this week.
*BVARC January Club Meeting -- Museum Ships Presentation on-line*
Jeff, W5JEF, has placed Mark Janzer's excellent presentation about BVARC
and the Museum Ships operations on YouTube. Find it at:
*BVARC February Club Meeting -- W6SX Contesting Presentation on-line*
Jeff put notice on the reflector of W6SX, Hank Garretson's
presentation on Youtube.
Find it at: https://youtu.be/Qys_xU8lgCs
*BVARC March Club Meeting -- **ARRL Director, John Stratton, N5AUS*
John Stratton gave a good presentation on the ARRL.
A recording of the March 11th Zoom meeting can be found
at https://youtu.be/D6UEABpuzqo
* BVARC April Club Meeting -- * Paul Gilbert, KE5ZW, ARRL EmCom Management
Meeting was April 15th -- Recording of the Zoom meeting
will be on YouTube soon.
*BVARC May 13th Club Meeting -- Hurricane Preparation by N5VCX.*
* Recording -- soon to be on line.*
* Are You Having a Laugh ?*
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Enjoy your hobby....73 Ed.
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