[BVARC] NO GO - Re: Museum Ships Weekend Event - 2021
rick at wannall.net
rick at wannall.net
Fri Jun 4 19:20:33 CDT 2021
I am sad for everyone who put so much into this. We all know, that's life among the radios, but dang.
Thank you folks for being ready to go.
I hope to join you on the work day.
--------- Original Message --------- Subject: [BVARC] NO GO - Re: Museum Ships Weekend Event - 2021
From: "mark janzer via BVARC" <bvarc at bvarc.org>
Date: 6/3/21 4:22 pm
To: "BRAZOS VALLEY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB" <bvarc at bvarc.org>
Cc: "mark janzer" <k5mgj at yahoo.com>
We've made a no-go decision based on the weather and the resulting disrupting QRN.
We're planning on going out later in the summer to work on the Cavalla antenna as well as activate the radio room on both boats for the public to see.
Stay safe through this wet weekend.
I'll be back in touch in a few weeks to plan a work day.
Mark Janzer
On Friday, May 21, 2021, 09:11:14 AM CDT, mark janzer <k5mgj at yahoo.com> wrote:
As some of you may have seen, the annual Museum Ships Weekend (MSWE) is June 4th to the 6th.
The historic ships at Seawolf Park on Pelican Island in Galveston will come to life as part of an annual worldwide event commemorating their service. This year, BVARC will be hosting MSWE in the radio room of the destroyer escort, the USS Stewart.
BVARC members as well as visiting amateur radio operators (all pre-registered w/BVARC) will be on the air from the Stewart and communicating with the 70+ other historic vessels in the United States and around the world. Due to the unique situation of Seawolf Park having the USS Cavalla at the same location, any contact will provide an extra claimed ship QSO contact. We'll also have a 2nd station for the SS Selma (a WW1, concrete hulled merchant class tanker).
During MSWE, the public (fee to enter museum required) may come and visit the operators during the weekend, observing the contacts being made.
The schedule for the weekend will begin on Friday afternoon and end early Sunday afternoon. Two operating positions are planned with SSB and CW modes available. PSK may be also be used during the weekend if enough operators are available. The schedule break down is:
Per the MSWE site: The event begins June 5th 0000z(UTC) to June 6th 2359z(UTC) - Which for local time on Pelican Island is 7pm Friday to 6:59pm Sunday.
Set-up 5 pm Friday (Set-up may take longer but hopefully a station will be operating by 7 pm)
Operating time 7pm Saturday to 1pm Sunday (depending on conditions)
Tear down 1 pm to 3 pm Sunday
Operators (and only scheduled operators) volunteering for the overnight shift will be able to stay within the museum grounds after public hours.
Tentatively the 2m talk-in frequency will be 146.940, minus offset, 167.9 tone.
The main meal Saturday evening will be as traditionally catered by Leon's World Famous BBQ (unless there is a crew mutiny demanding otherwise).
To sign-up for a shift(s), bring equipment, volunteer for set-up or tear down or just obtain more information contact me, Mark Janzer, K5MGJ at k5mgj at yahoo.com. I'll be sending out an organizational email shortly to those that have already signed up, and those that respond to this email (off list please).
The Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club is grateful for the enthusiastic support of the Cavalla Historical Foundation, Galveston Naval Museum and the Galveston Park Board of Trustees for their permission to be aboard the vessels and the use of the park facilities. We look forward to continued future activity and expansion of BVARC's involvement of MSWE. This involvement allows us, in our own way, to honor those who served their country at sea and to support Galveston Parks.
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