[BVARC] Lightning, FT-8, SDR, DMR, etc. Beacon Topics

Keith Dutson kdutson at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jun 1 10:42:53 CDT 2021

 I can do an article on Lightning Damage Prevention.  It could be brief or several pages.  I do not have John's email on this PC, so please pass to him.  Thanks.
73, Keith NM5G

    On Thursday, May 27, 2021, 08:20:59 PM CDT, Rick Hiller via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:  
 With all of this talk of lightning, etc. there seems to be a plethora of knowledgeable folks.   I know we also have knowledgeable folks on the subjects of SDR's and JT and FT modes and DMR.   [Or any other subject you desire, that you are interested in or have a half way decent knowledge in] 
So, can I request, as a regular writer in the Beacon, that a few of you experts put pen to paper and write a column or two on your topic of knowledge.  It would be enjoyed by all and give a bit of diversion to the regular columnists and topics.
John Chauvin, K5IZO, is your Beacon editor and you can contact him or our president or even me for guidance and submission advice.
The membership would welcome your words of wisdom, for sure. 
I look forward to reading your efforts.....73...Rick -- W5RH

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