[BVARC] beacon or not... CW or not?

Doug SEYLER djseyler at comcast.net
Sun Feb 28 23:01:44 CST 2021

Looks like de KC5SQD/b for beacon.

Sent from my iPad

> On Feb 28, 2021, at 10:20 PM, Gayle Dotts via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
> Listening to 10 meters  to the only CW beacon on frequency at 28.251 this weekend.  To help I have a downloaded morse code audio translator to help the massive blur of dat-dashes that I can't keep up with on my own.  This particular one had spelled out ...DEKC5SQD/B..EL29GO.  Figured out the EL29GO as the grid square as to origin map but thought this beacon should have a callsign or something legible written out I thought. Found another CW on analog with the more gibberish followed by the grid square of origin too.  Is there talking actually going on in CW when it is found? First try at Morse Code for me.  Please advise.
> Gayle
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