[BVARC] Morse Code Key

Jonathan Guthrie ka8kpn at ka8kpn.org
Mon Feb 8 08:45:25 CST 2021

A follow-up from an old conversation.  I bought one of the CW Morse 
single-paddle keys and I've been using it to work on the firmware of the 
keyer I've built.

I got the version with the yellow paddle and I got it with the iron 
base.  First impression is that it is small and light.  I've been afraid 
that if I hit it too hard, I'm going to break it. It's not like some 
other keys that are large chunks of metal that would hurt you if they 
fell on you, although the iron base gives it enough weight that it 
doesn't want to walk while I'm sending with it.  So how does it work?  
Well, the action is smooth and reliable.  The feel is pretty good and 
it's easy to adjust.  They included a hex key that fits into a little 
hole in the back.  I wish the paddle was thicker, because I'm used to my 
Bencher iambic paddles with 3/4 inch spacing, but that's the only real 
complaint that I have.  Well, that and there's this 3D printed cap that 
goes over the contacts and bearings and stuff that's mostly held on by 
wishful thinking.  It seems likely that it will eventually be lost.  
I've knocked it off a couple of times already.

Overall, I'd have to say that I like it.

On 1/7/2021 9:38 PM, Mark Brantana via BVARC wrote:
> Jonathan,
> I could not have said it better myself. My covid income is giving me a 
> new appreciation of my spending. I am an engineer, so I have been used 
> to spending what I want. We used to be able to buy a J-38 for a couple 
> of dollars. These days quality can be expensive. Maybe I should look 
> into building something.
> Mark
>> On Jan 7, 2021, at 3:50 PM, Jonathan Guthrie via BVARC 
>> <bvarc at bvarc.org <mailto:bvarc at bvarc.org>> wrote:
>> I just wanted to see if I was looking at the same keys that you were.
>> Making a key is easy.  I once made a telegraph key from a peanut can 
>> and a couple of nails.  Making a good key is harder.
>> On the other hand, spending three hundred dollars for a key is not 
>> something I'm going to do on a whim.    If I buy a key I'm confident 
>> is good, I want to be sure it's something I am going to use, and I've 
>> used squeeze keys for 40 years.  Lately I've been thinking that I 
>> want to get a single-paddle key so I can practice using it either 
>> without a keyer or with a keyer configured in semiautomatic mode, but 
>> the stratospheric cost of most keys has made me hesitate to pull the 
>> trigger.  These are modest enough price-wise that I could possibly 
>> justify buying one just to try it out.
>> On 1/7/2021 3:16 PM, Mark Brantana via BVARC wrote:
>>> Jonathan,
>>> Yes. There are three different models. They appear to be 3D printed. 
>>> This also made me wonder if I shouldn’t fire up Inventor and design 
>>> my own. These seem to be about the most reasonably priced keys, and 
>>> I was really looking to see who might have experienced them. Thank 
>>> you for your question.
>>> Mark
>>> N5PRD
>>>> On Jan 7, 2021, at 10:20 AM, Jonathan Guthrie via BVARC 
>>>> <bvarc at bvarc.org <mailto:bvarc at bvarc.org>> wrote:
>>>> I'm not sure what you mean by acrylic key.  I see they've got a 
>>>> bunch of inexpensive keys that appear to be 3D printed.  Is that 
>>>> what you're talking about?
>>>> On 1/7/2021 3:52 AM, Mark Brantana via BVARC wrote:
>>>>> What does anyone think of the GigaParts Acrylic keys ? They come in several models and colors, with Al base or plastic. Anyone try one?
>>>>> Mark
>>>>> N5PRD
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