[BVARC] Metaltech Hoist Post/Gin Pulley Kit — 250-Lb. Capacity, Model# M-MHAP

john Parmalee jparmalee at aol.com
Thu Feb 4 20:51:18 CST 2021

I have been watching on and off all day the Rohn 25 saga.   Years ago I watched a tower hand stack 250' for a broadcast tower.  He was stacking it on a ball so after getting a couple of sections vertical and guyed off he brought out a 10' section of electrical tube, probably inch or so.  There was a simple hardware store pulley attached at the top. there were also tow 3/8 or so bolts through the tube spaced to match with the cross bracing  The ends of the bolts were bent to an ell.  He simply stood the gin pole along the existing section. his ground man attached the lift line above the C of G of the next section and it was lifted into place.   Be careful, there are six bolts for each joint, not all the bolts are the same size The smaller ones will go in the larger holes but not the reverse.Also if you ever intend to disassemble the tower wipe a little heavy grease on the mating joints as you stack itand it you do need to get it apart a pair of 2x4's and a bottle jack will do it. You could always rent a boom lift. Don't even try a scissor lift though.The push over too easily. One of those $200 units looks like it attaches to scaffolding not tower. Have fun guys  John ParmaleeJparmalee at aol.com281-380-3811 K5VGM WI2XLJIn a message dated 2/4/2021 12:09:22 PM Central Standard Time, bvarc at bvarc.org writes: 
That's the trick, Mark - I found that video a couple years ago, when I first bought my tower!  (He's got a few other climbing videos that are downright scary!)  Then I found a set of those professional heavy duty Andrews clamps at the Orange hamfest for $15.00, and located a flagpole truck pulley on eBay.
On Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 11:23 AM mark janzer via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
 Gin pole video YMMV Gin pole, tower assembly, Rohn 25, tower installation, Pulley system - YouTube On Thursday, February 4, 2021, 11:04:10 AM CST, Gus Bernard via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:  Here's a home-brew version, to which you add your own 2" pipe and rope: https://tinyurl.com/z6tahc82. 
On Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 2:59 PM Gary Sitton via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
Ok, enough of the joke already  https://m.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200498848_200498848?cm_mmc=Google-LIA&utm_source=Google_LIA&utm_medium=Construction%20%3E%20Scaffolding&utm_campaign=Metaltech&utm_content=21861&gclid=Cj0KCQiA0-6ABhDMARIsAFVdQv8qbtD55kU6hmhrAUWXGjsmMbTn24hDCtEjn2Pl4bqET5BN6UYB56oaAonCEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds________________________________________________
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