[BVARC] Antennas -- The Stir Crazy Net
Gus Bernard
gnelnard at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 09:17:28 CST 2021
Thanks, Rick, for this and all of your work for the club over the years. I
hope you don't mind that I assembled your "TRH-The Antenna" articles into
one PDF for my library, and attached it to this post for the convenience of
other members.
Gus, K5GMB
On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 7:35 PM Rick Hiller via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org>
> Antennas -- Some Guidance for the Neophyte
> I was listening to the Stir Crazy Net today and the subject of antennas
> was broached. Some claimed they knew nothing about skyhooks (but wanted to
> learn) and this note is targeted to y'all.
> Antennas Basics -- have a look at the 9 article series I wrote for the
> BVARC Newsletter -- February to November 2015 (no April) *http://www.bvarc.org/newsletter/201502.pdf
> <http://www.bvarc.org/newsletter/201502.pdf>* this url will get you
> started. I approach things from a layman's point giving you a start to
> understanding.
> Antenna Modeling -- Most of the modeling apps are based on the NEC
> Engine. L.B. Cebik, W4RNL(sk) wrote a 4 part series in QST Nov 2000 to
> Feb 2001. "Beginners Guide to Modeling with NEC". Cebik was the the most
> prolific writer in Ham Radio (Silver is 2nd HI)
> There are many other sources of basic antenna and modeling information,
> but you must, and I accentuate *MUST*, get a firm grip on the basics of
> antennas in order to "get it". Look, if what I write doesn't resonate with
> you, then, please, find another author that does. There are many out
> there (see the list of references in article 9 in my BVARC newsletter
> series mentioned above)
> In summary: I promote 2 general guidelines:
> 1-- Antennas should always be looked at as a “system” consisting of the
> RF source (your transmitter), transmission line, matching networks (if any)
> and the load – the antenna itself.
> 2--A firm grasp of the fundamental principles and characteristics of
> antennas and transmission lines is absolutely essential for any of it to
> make sense.
> Believe me, I was once where y'all are. I am not a degreed antenna
> engineer, I am simply an antenna aficionado. Before long you will be too.
> GL ES 73...Rick W5RH rickhiller73 at gmail.com
> ps....I'd be pleased to answer any questions or requests for further
> guidance, no problem.
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