[BVARC] Our email list is publicly available?!?!?!?!?

Gus Bernard gnelnard at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 20:49:49 CST 2021

Howard, I am a lawyer and can tell you there is no liability issue. Don't
know where people get that idea.

Fact is, many of us want our email addresses and phone numbers available so
that others may easily find us.  Remember WAY BACK when all of our phone
numbers were in the PHONE BOOK?  Likewise, one of the BIG benefits of a
listserv like ours is the ability to go back and keyword search the
archives for LOTS of great information.

If you don't want the rest of us to find you, you can simply advise the
webmaster and he will remove that information from the "public" roster.
It's pretty hard to participate on this listserv "email incognito" although
some of us use special email addresses for our "radio" communications.
(One way to control email addresses leaks is to compartmentalize them -
have several, each of which you use for specific and limited purposes.)

If you really want something to remain private, don't write it or type it
or email it.  If you want a phone number or social security number to stay
private, don't give it to anyone.  You wouldn't leave your wallet lying

Look, ham radio is a public and social hobby.  Hams like meeting, and
learning about, each other, and learning from each other.  That's a big
reason we join CLUBS.

Gus, K5GMB

On Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 1:22 AM D. Howard Bingham via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org>

> The use of* INDIVIDUAL PASSWORDS should be required to access MEMBERSHIP
> LIST**S*.
> If you use your ARRL address, be aware that REPLIES to messages using the
> ARRL address, will be from YOUR ISP address (NOT ARRL>)
> Likewise, all that's needed to access your street or mailing address, is
> to access the FCC Database & lookup your FCC assigned CALL SIGN,
> everything that's on the LICENSE APPLICATION IS PUBLIC RECORD.
> If you don't want your street address and phone numbers to show up on a
> APPLICATION, it's there for everyone to see.
> *Perhaps a BVARC member who is a LAWYER can explain LIABILITY ISSUES.!*
> D. Howard Bingham
> ke5apj  😷
> --
> On 2/3/2021 7:41 AM, Mike Hardwick via BVARC wrote:
> I will be checking on this today.
> Mike Hardwick
> President
> On Wednesday, February 3, 2021, 07:39:10 AM CST, John Mechura via BVARC
> <bvarc at bvarc.org> <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
> You may also go to the bvarc website and click on the membership roster
> and scroll around for your info.
> On Wed, Feb 3, 2021 at 7:16 AM William Elliott via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org>
> wrote:
> I'm a month into the club and my info popped up too.  I'd rather that not
> be publicly posted.
> -K15MKV
> On Wed, Feb 3, 2021 at 4:28 AM Kori Rahman via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org>
> wrote:
> Hello all!
> So I just did a Google search of my call sign (which I will not be stating
> again) and the VERY FIRST thing that came up was my personal email to the
> club list. I was... kinda shocked and surprised. I was under the impression
> these emails were for club members ONLY. Apparently this email list is
> posted to the public and I'm concerned about that. I have personal
> information in my signature (name, phone number etc. which may be used to
> send me spam calls) that could easily be parsed by an algorithm... This
> seems like a major security issue to me and should be fixed. I have to
> wonder who is sending these emails to this website??? If the club is doing
> this they should inform us that anything we say on this list is not a
> private email but a public statement to all of the internet and everyone on
> the planet.
> I would appreciate some feedback on this and how this email I sent to the
> club was posted publicly on the internet for all the world to see.... Maybe
> this is the intent of the club, but I will certainly think twice about
> sending anything out now and censoring my email signature. This must be
> laid out clearly to all new members.
> One of many offending post:
>   https://www.mail-archive.com/bvarc@bvarc.org/msg09908.html
> The use of the word "Private" is extensive in this page I was sent with my
> welcome to the list:
> http://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org
> Look.... I'm not SUPER diligent about reading absolutely everything I get,
> but this seems like an extremely important thing to tell folks... I've been
> a member for about 2 months so maybe this has been brought up before. I
> just feel there needs to be more transparency if this is how it is.
> - My call is in the offending link
> ________________________________________________
> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
> BVARC mailing list
> BVARC at bvarc.org
> http://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org
> ===
> ________________________________________________
> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
> BVARC mailing list
> BVARC at bvarc.org
> http://mail.bvarc.org/mailman/listinfo/bvarc_bvarc.org
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