[BVARC] Greater Houston Simplex Network - Monthly Propagation Net

Mark Brantana n5prd at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 30 00:32:33 CST 2021

It is time again for the GHSN monthly Simplex Propagation Net

SimplexHouston.com <https://simplexhouston.com/>
Key Information:

Propagation Net - December 30, 2021.
The Check-in and Instructional Zoom meeting will be at 6:15PM. 
The Zoom link and other information is found on our link above. 
The Net will begin promptly 7:00 PM.
Simplex frequencies are 146.540 MHz.

BACK TO THE FUTURE - Beginning January 2022, The Greater Houston Simplex Network will return to its regular schedule of the 4th Thursday evening of the month, with 6:15 pm for the Zoom meeting and 7:00 pm for the beginning of the net.

HELP NEEDED - I would also like to restart the relay nets for the 2nd week of each month, so I need volunteer(s) to help out as Net Control Operator. I am just swamped with developing our cool new propagation application. Please contact me if you can help with this. The script is fully developed, and can be found on the website.

Contact Mark - N5PRD at yahoo.com <mailto:N5PRD at yahoo.com>
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