Leslie Bartosh ad5wb at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 19 20:08:53 CST 2021

In addition to what Robert suggested, you may also want to try some ferrites on the coax where it enters your home.
I fought pretty tough RFI issues for a while.  😊
Good luck.
Leslie, AD5WB 

> On Dec 19, 2021, at 8:02 PM, Robert Polinski via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
> David, put several ferrite beads on the USB (Both ends) and the network cable & any other cables feeding the computer. (printer, etc) May also need a choke in the feedline. Robert KD5YVQ
> From: BVARC <bvarc-bounces at bvarc.org> On Behalf Of David F. Reed via BVARC
> Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2021 6:24 PM
> To: bvarc at bvarc.org
> Cc: David F. Reed <w5sv.dave at gmail.com>
> Subject: [BVARC] RFI
> Due to some HOA C&R, I am confined to attic and gutter antennas for the time being.
> I am getting a bit of RFI on occasion into my PC; it manifests itself mainly by apparently disconnecting the com port from Commander.  When this happens, I can restore functionality by selecting a different com port, and then re-selecting the original correct com port.
> I am grounded to a 10' ground rod about 8 ft. from the station via 2" copper strap. I did install ferrite beads on the USB cables at the back of the PC as well as on the power cord, and this has reduced the frequency of occurrence, but I would like to eliminate it altogether.
> Any other ideas and suggestions would be most appreciated!
> Thanks & 73 de Dave, W5SV
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