[BVARC] End fed half Wave Long Wire 80-10 800W - for sale _ special deal

Gary Sitton gasitton at comcast.net
Wed Dec 8 21:51:55 CST 2021

   I finally gave up on using EFHW antennas. They're fine for field day, 
etc. and for a simple multiband antenna, but the radiation patterns on the 
harmonic bands are lousy.
   So what type of antenna are you going to try next?
73, Gary K5AMH

On December 8, 2021 7:02:01 PM terry leatherland via BVARC 
<bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have my MFJ End fed antenna down to put up a different one. Therefore I 
> have a special deal for the 1st bidder to support the BVARC 2M Repeater fund.
> MFJ-1982HP, $109.95. 800 Watts, high power, 80-10 Meters, 132 feet.
> The antenna is 1yr old and it worked well with 1.5SWR or less across the 
> band, but its uni-directional radiation pattern doesn't suit me.
> It radiates like a bat, nub on the back, all out the end. :-)
> So my proposal for anyone is:
> 1st Ham to make a >=60$ donation after today to the BVARC Repeater fund (on 
> the website) and send me the proof after this by email, I'll put it in the 
> mail to you.
> How's that for supporting the club?
> If you need more info, call email or text me...
> 73s
> Terry -K5 Pretty Good Fellow.
> Terry Leatherland, K5PGF
> 281-455-8090
> Sugar Land, Tx
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