[BVARC] News Blast # 100 120521

Rick Hiller rickhiller73 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 5 21:46:32 CST 2021

*BVARC NEWS BLAST # 100 December 05, 2021*

== Dec. Meeting This Thursday 12/9 Home Brew Night

== Greater Houston Ham Fest March 5th Planning Stages

Monday Night BVARC Net -- 8 PM.  Visit with Anthony, W5LIC, NCS.
             (Dwayne has house guests)
             All are welcome to check in and stay awhile (or not)
             146.94 KE5OOG Repeater

Stir Crazy -- Week days daily at Noon -- various NCS stations.  146.94
          Check in, tell your story or just listen, but do check in.

80 Meter Rag Chew Net -- Wednesday 7 PM(local)  with John, K5LKJ, as NCS.
         Early checkins at 6:30
         Just a chance to chew the rag for an hour or so.
         3910 KHz LSB

Slow Speed CW Net -- Thursday 8 PM
        John, K5LKJ NCS  7090 KHz


*BVARC December Meeting *-- In Person -- December 9th, Thursday at  7 PM
     * Home Brew Night *-- at Duhacsek Park ( the BVARC Field Day location).
     Details in the newsletter or on the BVARC Reflector
     Bring your Home Brew Projects to show the world your work.
     Zoom meeting for those that can't make it.

*BVARC Beacon December Newsletter *-- Soon to be in your mailbox.
     Currently with our crack team of fulfillment experts
     Featured Columns:
          The Presidents Says, Where in the World, The Radio Hotel and
Cutting Thru the Static

*Senior Road Tower Site Field Trip -- Saturday -- December 11th*
     Intimate tour of the RF facilities of one of the towers with multiple
station antennas, etc.
     Contact Jimmy Vance, NA5D,   at   jimmy.vance at gmail.com   concerning

*Greater Houston Ham Fest Planning Meetings*
    via Zoom.  Dates and Times on the Reflector, so stay tuned to the
Reflector for more up to date info.
    All are invited to attend and help plan and implement the ham fest .
    GHHF March 5th weekend.

*For Your Amusement*
[image: image.png]

  Answer to last week's trivia  was *B) The Elser Mathes Cup* -- originated
in 1929...
    .and some thought I was pulling their leg...shame on you.

Comments, Fan Mail from some flounder or complaints to
rickhiller73 at gmail.com

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