[BVARC] Flex 6400 for Sale

jppnews at comcast.net jppnews at comcast.net
Sun Apr 25 08:51:16 CDT 2021

Raising cash. Must sell Flex Radio 6400 with Automatic Tuner & Flex Control,
all in near-new condition (no smoking household), purchased in August 2020.
In original boxes. This package sells new for $2447.95 plus $201 in sales
tax. I'm offering it locally for $2100 (no tax). Cash or Paypal. We can meet
for delivery in H town. Act quickly, before I offer it on the national ham

73, JP Pritchard, K5JPP

Contact me directly at jppvoice at gmail.com

*	100W PEP HF-6m operation
*	All modes/all bands
*	Integrated Remote Operation with Maestro, PC/ Laptop, Mac, iPadR or
*	2 Independent Band / Mode Receivers
*	Full Duplex Cross-Band Operation
*	Transverter Port
*	Receive-Only Port
*	Direct Sampling SDR 122.88 Msps - 16 bit
*	115 dB 2kHz RMDR
*	>155 dB Dynamic Range
*	Optional Antenna Tuner
*	10 MHz Reference Input
*	Optional GPSDO Option for ultra high frequency precision and
*	Optional MARS/CAP/SHARES TX Expansion Module

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