[BVARC] antenna outside my window

Mark Brantana n5prd at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 22 18:00:05 CDT 2021

I think you have mentioned a key thing. They likely already have made allowance for a tv antenna. Your HOA rules may tell you what is allowed there. If so, I would consider mounting a j-pole there. If you want to play it safe or cut the cord, as we did, you can mount a tv antenna there (and mount a j-pole underneath). 

Also, I found it convenient to install a gooseneck on the roof. It is no more leak prone than any of the many other vents you already have, but it needs to be installed correctly. This way you can allow for as many lines as you want to the roof without having to go around a gutter, or some other strange configuration. It also saves you from running a lot of unnecessary coax. I have two coaxes and one tv cable running through mine. I have experienced no troubles whatever, but I thought about this for several months before I did it. It is really a good solution.

Only thing then you have to consider is how you are going to ground the antenna for lightning, etc. Look at installing an MFJ-270 or similar, but you also should provide a ground for the antenna itself to cover against normal induced charge buildup.

That said, unless you have radiant barrier, there is no apparent reason why the j-pole will not work in your attic. For HF, I worked the western hemisphere on 10 meter in cycle 22 with a slinky antenna. I think it took four slinky’s.

There are many other possible solutions, but they are situational and will not work for everyone. The fun of ham radio is exploring these kind of puzzles.


> On Apr 22, 2021, at 4:42 PM, Mike Lambert via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
> David, I have a hip roof so there is not much area with a vertical height of 70".
> I forgot about the metal AC plenum that crosses right in 'front' of the proposed antenna location. Antenna blocked!
> Unfortunately I was working from memory when I thought of this attic idea.  Now that I got up there with a tape measure.... ooops!
> Ok, the antenna will go outside somewhere, I just need to make that happen. <g>
> Mike
> On 4/22/2021 4:14 PM, David Holden via BVARC wrote:
>> Why did you scrap the attic location? I have mine in the attic and it works great.
>> David, KI5GHO
>> On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 1:39 PM, Mike Lambert via BVARC
>> <bvarc at bvarc.org> <mailto:bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
>> My initial (easy) plan to put my J Pole in my attic, but is has been 
>> scrapped.
>> Temporarily I've decided to put my antenna outside my office and run the 
>> feed line through window until I decide on a more permanent antenna 
>> location (an HOA will be involved) and how to get the feed line into the 
>> (brick) house. I will have to put up/take down the antenna when I use it.
>> Does anyone have any suggestions on a good mast that I can put up 
>> temporarily and take down when not in use.
>> 73s
>> Mike
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