[BVARC] Naked wire dipole

Terry Leatherland k5pgf at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 22 17:56:26 CDT 2021

Hi Ralph.  I think the dialogue here has confirmed my suspicion that I/ we have nature induced swr rising.  😀
I’ll make an extension for my pole cutter and see if I can get to the 25’ branches this weekend.  Ugh. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 22, 2021, at 12:22 PM, ralph phillips via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
> I agree the antenna should not touch any other object.
> A curious study at my shack... I have an 80m inverted V running from house to the 2 back corners of my yard.  One near one corner is a latch of banana plants.  I cut them to the ground after the any freeze and have a nice swr.  As they grow my swr changes and I retune after a month.  The capacitance of a plant full of water off the side of the wire has a major impact.
> The same will be true for any vegetation or other obstruction
> Ralph KE5HDF
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