[BVARC] antenna outside my window

Jeffrey Carson jcarson222 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 22 15:37:12 CDT 2021

 You can get a long masonry drill bit, it will get through the brick very easily. I agree with the below, unless its some huge antenna. I would just do it early morning and try and hide it.  If its a dipole,just keep it on the down low. The reply below has a good point.
    On Thursday, April 22, 2021, 03:20:02 PM CDT, Mark Brantana via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:  
 My rule of thumb is that, if I have to involve the HOA, I don’t do it. I prefer to go stealth and hope nobody notices. Sort of asking forgiveness rather than permission. Once you have their attention, you may never escape it. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 22, 2021, at 1:39 PM, Mike Lambert via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org> wrote:
> My initial (easy) plan to put my J Pole in my attic, but is has been scrapped.
> Temporarily I've decided to put my antenna outside my office and run the feed line through window until I decide on a more permanent antenna location (an HOA will be involved) and how to get the feed line into the (brick) house. I will have to put up/take down the antenna when I use it.
> Does anyone have any suggestions on a good mast that I can put up temporarily and take down when not in use.
> 73s
> Mike
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