[BVARC] ALS 1306 for Sale

Leslie Bartosh ad5wb at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 17 13:13:07 CDT 2021

Good Afternoon:
I hope this is okay.

I have an ALS 1306 for sale.  I am the 2nd owner.  The 1306 is surplus to my needs.  I replaced it with an Expert 1.5
Some months ago, when I was playing radio while still asleep, I blew a final.  
My mistake.  
I did not have the band switch set appropriately.  I should have had it wired to follow my receiver.  

I sent the amp and power supply to Ameritron for evaluation and repair.The unit has been sitting, sealed in the box, since I got it back.
The unit is setup for Standard 110v ac.  It can be converted back to 220v ac.Pretty simple to do.
Asking $2000.00.Not too many on the market to my knowledge.When I had it set up it worked very well.
I prefer pickup in League City, but shipping can be arranged.

Thanks for the band width.Leslie, AD5WB
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