Rick Hiller
rickhiller73 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 11 21:31:17 CDT 2021
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*NEWS BLAST Issue #57*
-- BVARC Club Meeting via Zoom this Thursday, April 15th
-- Ham Fests are back in our future See below.....
-- BVARC Board Meeting is postponed until May 8th
*BVARC Stir Crazy Net -- *
Tune into 146.94 every weekday at Noon for a fun, information packed 1
hour. Check in and maintain your sanity and improve your Ham Radio
knowledge. Spread the word. All are invited, as with all BVARC nets and
*Monday Night Net *-- 8PM, April 12, visit with Dave, N5EKW, NCS. 146.94
Repeater. C U there.
*Wednesday Night Rag Chew Net *-- 3910 KHz at 7PM. John, K5LKJ - NCS.
A net to just chew the rag. Early check-ins from 6:30. Telephone
check-ins call 832-474-3713 during the net.
*GHSN -- Greater Houston Simplex Net *-- Join next Thursday Evening the
22nd -- 7PM -- Greater Houston Simplex Net -- Starting on Robert's 146.94
repeater, then switching to the announced simplex freq. to establish VHF
simplex operation in and around the Houston/Harris County
geographical area. Announcements come on the BVARC List Serve and the
BVARC Nets. Mark, N5PRD, is the head honcho. Contact him at:
N5PRD at gmail.com
*Meetings *
* BVARC April Club Meeting this Thursday the 15th * Paul Gilbert,
KE5ZW, ARRL, speaking on Emergency Management.
Time: Apr 15, 2021 07:00 PM CDT
Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 814 8810 0115
Passcode: 653667
* BVARC January Club Meeting -- Museum Ships Presentation on-line*
Jeff, W5JEF, has placed Mark Janzer's excellent presentation about BVARC
and the Museum Ships operations on YouTube. Find it at:
*BVARC February Club Meeting -- W6SX Contesting Presentation on-line*
Jeff put notice on the reflector of W6SX, Hank Garretson's
presentation on Youtube.
Find it at: https://youtu.be/Qys_xU8lgCs
*BVARC March Club Meeting -- **ARRL Director, John Stratton, N5AUS*
John Stratton gave a good presentation on the ARRL.
A recording of the March 11th Zoom meeting can be found
at https://youtu.be/D6UEABpuzqo
*Testing, Newsletters, Contests and Ham Fests*
*Next VE Testing in May *
Contact our VE coordinator Mark Janzer for a seat.
Mark Janzer e-mail is K5MGJ at y <K5MGJ at gmail.com>ahoo.com
*April 2021 BVARC Beacon Newsletter* is on the web site www.bvarc.org.
*Texas State Parks on the Air -- April 17 & 18.*
Details at *www.tspota.net <http://www.tspota.net/>*
*Ham Fest -- The Eastside Amatuer Radio Society (EARS)*
is holding a swap meet on April 24th. 6AM until 2 PM.
St. Marks Church 3811 North Main Baytown, TX
Contact: Wes, W5WES, at w5wes at arrl.net or 832-205-5483
Check http://www.arrl.org/hamfests-and-conventions-calendar
* Ham Radio Trivia ......*
* In the Rifleman TV series show introduction, *
* how many times does Chuck Connors fire his rifle?*
* A) 11*
* B) 12*
* C) 13*
* D) 14*
* L**ast newsletter's Ham Radio Trivia answer --*
C) HCJB in Quito, Equador
Enjoy your hobby....73 Ed.
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