[BVARC] borrow a J Pole antenna to test with

Rick Hiller rickhiller73 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 11 21:12:53 CDT 2021


Might I suggest that you build a simple 2 meter J-pole with 300 ohm TV twin
lead.  Many build instructions are on the internet.
300 ohm twin lead and a length of coax.

Then either hoist it up into a tree or tie /tape it to a long wooden pole
and extend it into the air.

Probably easier than getting a metal j-pole and mounting it on a mast and
running coax, etc.

73 and best of luck.....Rick   W5RH

On Sun, Apr 11, 2021 at 4:33 PM Mike Lambert via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org>

> As a new person I would like to work with and test antennas to determine
> what I need and where to put it.
> Based on a suggestion I would like to start testing with a J Pole
> antenna to see how well it would work for me in my area (SW Houston,
> West Bellfort and S Gessner area).
> If you have a J Pole that is not in use, would you consider loaning it
> to me for a week or two?
> AND, if you have any suggestions for a new ham trying to find his first
> antenna, I am happy to hear from you.
> Mike Lambert
> mikesgenes at hotmail.com
> 832-443-6088
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Rick Hiller
*e-mail:     rickhiller73 at gmail.com <rickhiller73 at gmail.com>*
*Cell:        832-474-3713*
*Physical: 9031 Troulon Drive*
*               Houston, TX 77036*
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