[BVARC] Greetings and a question for you

Scott Medbury kd5fba at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 18:58:38 CDT 2021

Most are heavily dead restricted. Unfortunately. You will likely need to
look for something outside of a planned community and possibly acreage.

Otherwise you may need to look in Richmond.

73.. Scott KD5FBA

On Wed, Apr 7, 2021, 1:49 PM David F. Reed via BVARC <bvarc at bvarc.org>

> Hi, Dave (W5SV) here with a question for you members...
> We are moving to Sugarland  in a few months, and I am hoping to find a
> home where I might be able to put up a 70' (or taller) tower.
> Are there any neighborhoods you might recommend where this is possible?
> Thanks and 73 de Dave, W5SV
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