[BVARC] A Thank You to John Stratton, ARRL West Gulf Division Director

Bruce kk5do at arrl.net
Sun Apr 4 20:11:20 CDT 2021

We had our Generac whole house generator installed in August, 2020. Our 
house is all electric. Shortly after, someone cut down a tree about a 
1/2 mile from us, it fell on a utility pole knocking out power to our 
entire street for 8 hours. The generator was great during that summer 
heat. Then came the cold of February and it worked great for 4 days. The 
neighbors on both sides of me and behind me all have generators. The 
$10,000 investment will never be recovered however, having power is 
wonderful. In fact, it cost me about $1.25 an hour in natural gas to run 
the generator. Could not be more pleased.

For those getting a generator, if you go after a Generac, be sure to 
watch their website for warranty specials. I have a 10-year warranty 
plus the first year onsite service. Paid my dealer for 5 years of onsite 
above that. Changing the oil is a piece of cake as I had to do it during 
the cold. Every 25 hours of run time. I bought 6 filters and a bunch of 
5W30 synthetic oil to do it during an emergency when the dealer could 
not come out. Takes about 10 minutes to change it.

Enjoy your generator.


On 4/4/2021 7:57 PM, k5hm.ron--- via BVARC wrote:
> For those of you who don’t know John, I met him when he was the 
> Division Vice Director.  He is very active in the ARRL and a great 
> advocate for hams in Texas. He has been a frequent presenter at our 
> Ham Fest and club meetings.   He knows his way around Texas 
> politicians too.   I’ve never had much use for lawyers but John is the 
> exception. Perhaps because like me, he is also an engineer.
> Dear John,
> I wanted to thank you for your persistence in guiding the Texas 
> legislature to pass recent legislation regarding HOA’s preventing the 

> installation of standby generators.
> During the recent  Texas freeze my XYL and I were without power for 4 

> days We existed by camping out in our family room with the cats and 
> the gas fireplace and lots of flashlight batteries.  Fortunately, we 
> have a gas stovetop, so we were able to prepare food.  When it was 
> over, I vowed, we would not have to live without heating and AC winter 
> or summer. We signed with a local dealer and hopefully we will have 
> the standby system installed before the 2021 hurricane season begins.
> While we were going through the paper work with the company rep, he 
> showed us a suggested letter we could send to our HOA that stated
> “I  understand it is my responsibility to obtain all HOA approvals for 
> my whole house generator system. I acknowledge /Quality Generators/ 
> cannot act on my behalf in dealings with my HOA.”
> It was then I remembered John talking about his legislation regarding 
> this problem.  So I Googled it.  There it was in black and white. 
> Texas Property Code Section 202.019. I
> It reads: Except as provided by this section, a property owners' 
> association may not adopt or enforce a dedicatory instrument provision 
> that prohibits, restricts, or has the effect of prohibiting or 
> restricting an owner from owning, operating, installing, or 
> maintaining a permanently installed standby electric generator.
> Thanks again John.
> 73,
> Ron, K5HM
> k5hm.ron at gmail.com <mailto:k5hm.ron at gmail.com>
> www.qrz.com/db/k5hm <http://www.qrz.com/db/k5hm>
> ARRL Logologo (2)smaller Prize
> *        Excelsior!*
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